December 24th-26th, 2020

David Bomzon
What motivates us to teach scalp acupunctre? (Personal online message)
What motivates use to teach scalp acupunctre? (Personal online message
I am a qualified and registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and teache scalp acupuncture in Israel and around the globe. We (my business partner, Avi Amir, and I) specialize in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with a neurological disorder and pain management using YNSA.
We, Avi Amir and I, established Pnima Integrative Rehabilitation Center in Haifa, Israel.
We have vast clinical experience: we see between 150-180 patients each week in the Pnima Integrative Rehabilitation Center and the Rehabilitation Department, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel.
In addition to our clinic practice, we do clinical research on the effects of YNSA as part of the rehabilitation treatment of patients with a neurological disorder.
Our experience is enacted in and our theoretical and practical knowledge is given to the participants of our YNSA workshops, which we run in Israel and around the globe.
In our YNSA workshops, we teach the practical and theoretical sides of YNSA, as well as sharing our clinical experiences. As a result, participation in the workshop provides the participant with a very powerful method for treating pain, neurological disorders, and internal disorders.
In our experience, a gap between theoretical knowledge, which is found in books and on websites, and practitioner knowledge on Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture exists.
[CW1] After completion of a workshop, we try to maintain contact with all the participants. To this end, we respond to all their questions as quickly as possible, even when they are active online in the clinic.
We send new information on YNSA to workshop participants to expand their knowledge base and for immediate use in the clinic.
We have delivered more than ten YNSA workshops around the globe and in Israel, and are in contact with all the workshop participants. We believe that as the number of YNSA practitioners increase, more patients will benefit from this technique.
We envisage that a workshop participant will be able to easily able to apply YNSA and obtain beneficial results in his/her clinic after complete participation in our YNSA workshop. This seamless transfer of knowledge on the application of YNSA to the participant will build practitioner confidence and competence, and increase the number of patients who seek treatment for their pain or neurological disorder.
One of the differences between Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture and Chinese scalp acupuncture is that YNSA is based on a microsystem known as somatotopic representation. In Chinese scalp acupuncture, the scalp areas and zones which are needled correspond to the functional areas of the brain.
The YNSA points, which are located on the front hairline, are easier to locate than the Chinese scalp acupuncture points.
Since Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture comprises various diagnostic areas, the practitioner can quickly establish whether the correct point has been needled. In Chinese scalp puncture the practitioner will only know that that the correct point has been needled when the patients reports relief of symptoms.[CW2]
We found that YNSA is easier to learn and practice than Chinese scalp acupuncture, and you do not need years and months of experience in order to obtain very good results for the patients. Even a practitioner who has just finished learning YNSA will get very good results and thanks from the patients.
The feedback of the patients from YNSA is immediate, and the therapist will obtain this feedback in the clinic.
Another difference between Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture and Chinese scalp acupuncture is that YNSA restores full balance to the body according to the diagnostic areas. In addition, YNSA affects the internal meridians and internal organs. Since YNSA is distinct from traditional Chinese medicine, the two therapies can be combined.
For Chinese scalp acupuncture, the practitioner needs to regularly practice the technique. For YNSA, a participant in the YNSA workshop will be able to successfully use the technique upon completing the workshop and see its benefits in the clinic.
Another advantage of YNSA over Chinese scalp acupuncture is the zones or the areas that are needled. In the Chinese scalp acupuncture, the practitioner needs to manipulate the needle through zones and this manipulation is often painful for the patient. In YNSA, the point of the needle needs is inserted with no manipulation at the correct location in order to obtain a beneficial effect.
Based on our experience, a practitioner will find it easier to learn Chinese scalp acupuncture after learning YNSA because of the diagnostic areas or the palpating areas of the body and immediate feedback that the practitioner will get from the patient.